Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekly Word from the Word

Once a week an incredible devotion pops into my mailbox and I'm thrilled.

The Extraordinary Women weekly devotional is a wonderful way to start your week and if you're like me, you may want to hang on to it to re-read at the end of the week, too.

Check out the devotionals by clicking here.

Don't miss one of these weekly words of wisdom from God's Word by signing up HERE.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Early Bird for Tulsa & Austin

Early Bird Deadline for Tulsa & Austin:

Save $40 if you book by

January 15, 2010

You do not want to miss this event. So if you're anywhere NEAR Tulsa, Ok or Austin Tx then make plans - today -- to be at the Extraordinary Women's conference this Spring.

Here are all your details:

Tulsa OK

Austin TX

I hope to make it to Tulsa ... and I would love to be in Austin, too!

Don't forget to get those tickets BEFORE January 15th and you save $40 off the at-the-door price!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a NEW YEAR! Are you ready for EWomen 2010!

The 2010 E-Women conferences are just INCREDIBLE.

Have you looked at who is speaking?

Who is leading singing, performing, leading worship?

Take a look..... Speakers

You DO NOT want to miss this event. Check out the dates and the locations here !

And early bird registration saves you $40 on the at-the-door price! It's a great deal and it's EASY!!